
WHerever you are in your mental health journey, someone is there to help guide and support you.

Idaho crisis & suicide hotline

“Idaho Crisis and Suicide Hotline provides 24/7 free and confidential support. We are committed to ensuring that those we serve are heard and empowered with options to stay safe while supporting their emotional well-being.”

Dial 988 for immediate help

pathways of idaho

“Providing quality and effective Mental Health Services, Treatment Foster Care, and 24/7 Crisis Support to Idaho’s communities.

Services for children, teens, and adults in Idaho.”

find help . org

“Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help”

women & children’s alliance

Safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault.

24-hour domestic abuse hotline: 208.343.7025

faces of hope

One-Stop Triage and Support Center

Assisting those who have experienced interpersonal violence.

Call 208.577.4400